Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Pakistani Chicken Tikka Kabab


  1. Chicken, deboned 800 gm 
  2. Cooking oil 60 ml/4 tbs
  3. Cumin (jeera) powder 2.5 gm/ ½ tsp
  4. Garlic paste 45 gm/3 tbs
  5. Ginger paste 45 gm/3 tbs
  6. Gram flour (besan) 20 gm/4 tsp
  7. Green cardamom powder 2.5 gm/ ½ tsp
  8. Lemon juice 60 ml/4 tbs
  9. Mace (javitri) powder 2.5 gm/ ½ tsp
  10. Oil for basting
  11. Red chilli powder 5 gm/1 tsp
  12. Salt to taste
  13. Turmeric powder 2.5 gm/ ½ tsp
  14. White pepper powder 2.5 gm/ ½ tsp 
  15. Yogurt 45 gm/3 tbs

Cut chicken into 1 inch cubes. Whisk yogurt and mix in all other ingredients. Marinade chicken pieces in it and keep aside for 3 hours. Skewer each piece an inch apart and roast in a tandoor for 3 minutes. Brush with
oil and roast again in a preheated oven at 350 ºF for 10 minutes, basting at least twice 

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